Thursday, June 18, 2009

Juddertone Choreo Project: 1: Jane and I meet

I was accepted to Boston's Juddertone Festival!!

Juddertone is dedicated to supporting the collaboration of choreographers and composers by organizing a forum for the sharing of ideas culminating in an annual public performance premiering new collaborative works.

I am partnered with Boston's Mobius artist and composer/performer Jane Wang.

It is terrific that I can communicate through email with my composer partner, Jane Wang. The idea of a conversation not having a sense of finality is alleviated by the use of internet. WE get to have an ongoing conversation that picks up where it left off.

The space of our conversation is intriguing to me because I am consumed with what Space means in relation to dance. This is a dance of thoughts and ideas codified in a written language of symbols with assumed meaning because the absence of body does not express emotion, intention, inflection.

I find that I am thinking about what I want/need/feel inspired/don't care to do even after I transmitted my message to Jane. Anticipation takes over. Then she responds.

Goodie. There is a message from her in my inbox.

The contents below:
What a terrific email!

Lets meet during June 2-7. What day/time will
be good for you? I am open to any day (accept
Monday, but that is June 1) at any time.

And then from there we can develop our times
during July and August.

I start working for the RISD (Rhode Island School of Design)
on June 12 and end on August 12. The job will be your
typical 8-430 work day with Sat/Sun off.

Currently, I am exploring the concept of "Space" and how
to inhabit it. The idea of locating dance in space is very
intriguing both inside and outside of the body.

Since dance involves movement (in the loosest sense);
I wonder how the body is involved in that movement. Is
the movement inside the body, outside force acting on the body,
does it involve the body at all? In turn, what other sources
locate movement (dance)? Video, streaming, sound, musician,
sculptural elements, etc.

This idea involves some pedestrian movement as well as the codified
"modern" dance movement on the body.

I love that you are willing able to find sounds and use them in the score.

I tend to use soundscapes for my work...although something that is classical
in nature is fine too. Structurally speaking, it will be nice to have a couple of
landmarks in the sound in order for the dancer(s) to know where they are
in the length of the piece (if beats and counting as a structure is too obscure
or non-existent...which I rarely count a piece for the dancers in creating

i love the juxtaposition of urban/street sounds and natural sounds. The inner
body vs. the environment. Our bodies are made up of mostly water and so
movement of that water inside has a sound to it. Breathing produces sound.
Heartbeat is sound based. The digestive actions produces sound. etc.

I am also working with Martin Heidegger's philosophy that Semiotics has no
beginning, " A boundary is not that at which something stops but, as the Greeks
recognized, the boundary is that from which something begins its presencing"

I am not certain if I will be dancing solo or involve my dancers from Boston.
Currently, I have 3 that I would like to show in this performance, but I have
not told them of this project yet because I wanted to know, first, how our
schedule of working together was going to unfold. Then, I can take that
concrete information to them and they can decide if they have the time
and willingness to participate.

I hope this helps as a starting point?

Yeh, mornings are great for me. I tend to be very productive in the a.m. and am isolated from
social interactions because everyone is sleeping, preparing for work, going to work, etc.

My phone is listed below. I can receive images on my phone via text, but they are not good quality
and tend to be super tiny so details are missed. I check my email frequently throughout the day.

...can you send and receive photos via your cell phone and text??
also yes skype would be fun too...

also, while i'm in italy in May - if you have any ideas for stuff i could record for our collaboration that might interest you, just throw them at me -- i like have sort of project driven things to think about when doing field recordings - it kind of gives me something to focus on.

lastly, i've been into creating installations out of wire and hope to make a dress for one of my friends who is a movement artist (liz roncka) at some point if i can figure out how to make one that won't poke her with the rough ends of the wire... so if you have any interest in using some kind of wire sculpture/costume/weirdness, i'd be more than happy to try to create something...

in terms of music and sound, i have been lately into incorporating electronics, soundscapes and field recordings in addition to performing live (so perhaps a mix of the two) but i'm open to pretty much anything and from what i've seen of your work, I get the sense that you have a similar weirdness bent as i do .... so i'm really happy about that...

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